Piotech Group offers scalable, high quality, user-oriented technology solutions to small businesses and offices

Looking for secure, responsive, friendly IT support?

We specialize in technology that secures your organization from attacks, working hard to respond quickly to your needs, and training ourselves to put people first. Since 2006 we have helped smart executives and business owners grow their bottom line using technology as an investment. We are both an IT Support and people company.

Looking for Reliable and Responsive IT Support?

True Flat-Rate IT Services (No Surprises)
Fast, Friendly, Competent IT Support
Remote Worker IT Support Specialist
Cyber Security Support

Piotech Group is an IT Support and Managed Services company in Southern California and Harrisburgh PA metro area.

We understand you have unique needs and want quality IT Support designed especially for YOU. Our IT Support packages have been carefully designed to help whether technology is critical to your business, you only require quality secure IT Support, or want to augment existing IT staff with our security support expertise. Check out Which package is right for me?


You can have peace of mind when you put your IT Support Needs in our hands.CompleteSupport is Our premium managed service. Everything is included. 100% Flat fee no surprises.


Managed Support was designed for the budget conscious customer with a smart array of technology services and basic cybersecurity included. If most of your applications are in the cloud but still have day to day IT needs, then Managed Support is for you.


Many customers are realizing the upside of hiring a distributed work at home or work from anywhere work force with a technology cost that is a fraction of a brick and mortar lease, utilities, and fees. RemoteWorkerSupport was designed for the customer that needs to secure a distributed work force, increase their collaboration and communication with team tools and Unified Communication like VOIP phone systems, and implement technology to increase productivity.


Are you looking to protect your network to sleep better at night? Do you need to augment your current IT with premium cybersecurity services? SecuritySupport was designed for the customer who does not have day to day IT needs, but need for network and cloud security.


What service is more important than one that can bring your business back to life after a disaster. Our support engineers can help create a customer backup plan for your company based on your tolerance for pain. We factor in how fast you need to recover, how much data do you have, where is all the data stored. Whether its onsite or the cloud we can help design the best data recovery for you.

virtual cio

Quarterly planning, expectationreport analysis, technology strategy guidance, insurance and policy reviews. Technology guidance to grow your business.

Welcome to Piotech Group technical services

Piotech Group is Your Partner in Technology

We are deeply invested in your success. Our Managed IT service plans help us offer consistent support to help your business stay successful

Our business model is set up so that when you succeed, we do too. We take the time to learn about your users and your goals and this proactive approach provides you with technology solutions that help propel your business forward. When you thrive you spend less time putting out fires and have more resources to put towards the positive evolution of your IT.


01. Schedule a Discovery Call

Contact us by phone or by email to set up session by phone or via video conference to

02. Determine Your Needs

We can help you review you IT infrastructure, identify key weaknesses as well as the specific technology needs for your business.

03. Get a Custom IT Solution

We use the reasearch you provide to create an all in one custom IT Solution to address your business needs


Take control of your IT Solutions

Take control of your IT Solutions and Cyber Security

We know how frustrating can be to spend time addressing every individual IT issue and need. That’s why we provide the comprehensive, professional IT solutions, services, and support your business requires and deserves.

Contact PioTech Group today to handle all of your IT needs
Let us focus on your tech, so you can focus on your business

Focus on your business


At PioTech Group, we believe you shouldn’t have to waste time fumbling with technology – you have a business to run.

We know how frustrating it is having to spend time addressing every individual IT issue and need. That’s why we provide the comprehensive, professional IT services and support your business requires. We have years of experience providing managed IT Services and we can find a unique IT solution that fits your business needs.

Piotech Group offers scalable, high quality, user-oriented technology solutions to small businesses and offices

Let`s work together

Let us know what you’re looking for in an agency. We’ll take a look and see if this could be the start of something beautiful.