Which IT Service From PioTech Group Will Help Your Business

What IT Support is Right For You?

Our mission at PioTech Group is to make your office technology work for you, not the other way around.

How We Can Help You

If you are a small to midsize business in Southern California or Harrisburg area and you want to turn your technology from a liability into an investment tool to move your business forward then we can help!

PioTech Group offers a variety of tech services and support for your business


We Turn Your Technology Into an Asset Instead of a Burden

Let Us Take Care of Your IT, so You Can Focus on What Matters Most – Your Business

We know how important your computers, network and other assets are to your daily operations. We understand that you depend on your tech solutions to do better work for your business team and your own clients on a daily basis. Our approach helps you by helping your tech stack run the way it should, as an investment, not an expense. Piotech Group has the experience to help your office technology run faster and smoother. We also communicate in terms you can understand, not geek speak that can be a bit confusing. More than anything, we don’t just want to make sure you have what you need for your business to thrive. Start dealing with tech problems that cost you time and money and start enjoying tech solutions that enhance your business operations.


What PioTech Group IT Support Plan is Right For You

Technology is critical to my business success and I am worried about cybersecurity and regulatory compliance. IT services of high quality are valued and I’m looking for hassle-free, high value, IT support and technology guidance.

What PioTech Group IT Support Plan is Right For You

Since I’m not in a regulated industry I am less worried about cybersecurity , but quality remote and onsite IT Support from reliable friendly experts is something I require.

What PioTech Group IT Support Plan is Right For You

I want to provide my hybrid or work from home company with industry standard security, productivity, and communication to grow my bottom line.

What PioTech Group IT Support Plan is Right For You

I need cybersecurity services, but my company has minimal day-to-day needs. Most of our apps are cloud-based.

Add Our Company to Your Team When

You want your technology in competent reliable hands while you focus on your business.

You are not confident your current technology is helping your business, maybe even hindering it.

You need to improve your security and reliability of your network.

You appreciate the ability to pay to prevent problems is much more efficient than paying to remediate issues while they hurt productivity.

You need to understand clearly how technology affects my bottom line.

You feel having a quality IT Support team that has great people skills lowers stress and keeps your employees more productive.

You understand that every user or network that is down costs you money.

You need to be certain your data is always backed up and protected.

You see the savings of a distributed workforce and want to move to a remote worker or hybrid model.

Your business is looking to expand into the ‘cloud’.

You don’t want your employees fiddling with computer issues and need them to concentrate on what they were hired to do.

Or maybe the skill set of your current IT is maxed out and you need the cybersecurity and business strategy skills of a more experienced IT Support Company.

How PioTech Group can help your business



PioTech Group creates specialized IT solutions that fit your specific business needs

The experts at PioTech Group pride themselves on providing innovative solutions and delivering a superior customer service. PioTech Group provides expert level managed IT Services to businesses of all sorts and sizes. Businesses love us because we love people, not computers, and we deliver services that help people get their jobs done quicker and faster. If you’d like a quote for any of the services we offer, from backup and disaster recovery to managed services, consulting or customized solutions, get in touch and we can set up a meeting to discuss further.

Piotech Group can help you get started with managing your IT solutions effectively

How to Get Started

We’re here to help you navigate the increasingly complicated process of managing your business IT Services

  1. Schedule a Discovery Call
    Let’s chat about your IT system goals for your business.
  2. Determine the IT Needs and Goals For Your Business
    We’ll take a look at all the details of your goals and discuss how we can create a solution.
  3. Receive a custom, robust IT solution
    We’ll work with you the entire way to create a robust IT solution.
Learn More About PioTech Group


Let us know what you’re looking for in an agency. We’ll take a look and see if this could be the start of something beautiful.