Security Support

Address All of Your Cyber Security Support Needs With Our Professional Support

Who we are

PioTech Group provides comprehensive Security support and IT network security services that fit the needs of your business. We’ll work with you to develop a security solution that fits your team, office, and long-term business goals.

Piotech Group offers ManagedCare IT Support plans and the years of experience in implementing them effectively

Is this you:

My company has moved most of our applications to the cloud so our day-to-day IT needs are minimal. I need cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity is a topic so overwhelming many business owners simply commit to variations of the “hopefully it doesn’t happen to me approach”. It’s just easier to have antivirus, firewall, and complicated passwords because it’s just easier than trying to understand let alone apply cybersecurity. Some sadly do nothing at all since nothing has happened… yet. Small businesses do not realize that they are choice targets due to weak defenses and are the ideal target for easy money. It’s very easy to sell breached data stolen on the dark web. Make sure your business is not low-hanging fruit; not only is it embarrassing to get hacked, but it can also destroy your entire business.


#1 Target – Small and Medium Businesses

Over 40% of small businesses reported some kind of cyber attack in 2019, with an average per incident cost of $200k! Amazingly, 60% of all SMBs surveyed think they aren’t a target and don’t need any kind of cyber security or response plan.

PioTech Group can offer effective support to protect your business from phishing scams

#1 Attack Method – Phishing

62% of SMBs experienced phishing & social engineering attacks. In fact, phishing is the number one vector for criminals to target your business. They try to load malware into resumes, fake payroll files, and other interesting documents in hopes someone will click one of those links.

PioTech Group can offer effective support to protect your business from ransomware

#1 Threat – Ransomware

Ransomware is the number one malware threat to the SMB community, causing downtime for business as well as loss of revenue and dollars paying the ransom. 45% of all small businesses experience downtime due to a breach in 2019 – lasting over 12 hours. What would your business lose if you were forced offline for 12 hours or more?

PioTech Group can offer effective support to protect your business

#1 Piece of Stolen Data – Your Password

70% of employees’ passwords have been lost or stolen and credentials represent the most common type of compromised data in 2019. This is why Dark Web monitoring is so important, to stay ahead of the bad guys stealing credentials and selling them. Over 80% of all SMB breaches are financially motivated.

PioTech Group can offer effective support to protect your business from cybersecurity threats

#1 Mistake – No Cybersecurity Defense

43% of SMBs lack any kind of cybersecurity defense plan. You read that right, 2 out of 5 SMBs (fewer than 500 employees) in the US don’t any cybersecurity in place or a plan to put it in place. Just having an antivirus isn’t a security plan, but worse yet, over 50% of small businesses don’t use anything more than consume Anti Virus products!

PioTech Group can offer effective support to protect your business from security threats

#1 Hacked Industry – Small Business

The big brands get most of the “unwanted” media attention when they’re hacked, but the reality is, small and medium-sized businesses are hacked far more frequently. Cybercriminals have industries they target due to the lucrative nature of the information they maintain, the priority of the SMB is making money, not spending money for protection

How IT Security Support Benefits Your Business

Save Money

Avoid paying an average of $9,000 in data recovery fees.

Recover Easily

Get your business back up and running after any incident.

Peace of Mind

Have peace of mind your business is equipped to weather any storm.


Develop a preparation plan tailored to your business requirements

Contact PiTech Group today to get reliable managed IT Support

How to Get Started

We’re here to help you navigate the increasingly complicated process of managing your IT Support

  1. Schedule a Discovery Call
    Let’s chat about your IT system goals for your business.
  2. Determine the IT Needs and Goals For Your Business
    We’ll take a look at all the details of your goals and discuss how we can create a solution.
  3. Receive a custom, robust IT solution
    We’ll work with you the entire way to create a robust IT solution.

why choose us

Make Your IT Support Work For You

Your office technology should provide help, not a hassle.

By partnering with a team of IT experts that perform preventative maintenance, address issues quickly, and keep your systems running smoothly, you can have greater confidence that your technology is working for you—not against you.

Piotech Group offers scalable, high quality, user-oriented technology solutions to small businesses and offices

Let`s work together

Let us know what you’re looking for in an agency. We’ll take a look and see if this could be the start of something beautiful.