Ransomware Protection Tips for Small Businesses

Steps you can take to provide ransomware protection r

Technology is growing at a fast pace. There is a general improvement in reliability, scalability, and efficiency. Unfortunately, this growth is attracting some vices. There seems to be a rise in cases of cybercrime. The most common attack that is threatening business operations is ransomware. Many large corporations have been caught unawares by such attacks. This doesn’t imply that small and mid-sized firms are immune to efforts made by cyber crime artists.

Cities in Wisconsin are still recovering from a cyber attack in January. A Wisconsin-based IT consulting corporation wired an unknown amount of funds to a cybercrime attacker who had sabotaged business operations at the firm. During the attack, it was impossible for the client to get connected to their records. Up to 20% of victims of cybercrime attacks are small businesses.

What ransomware protection tools can help small businesses retain control of their sensitive information and critical business operations?

The best way of shielding your business from ransomware attacks is routinely activating resilience measures. While preparing for the worst, businesses can do the following:

1. Creating an awareness program for the employees

The target of most ransomware attacks is the end user. Your employees can act as the first defense against threats arising from online attackers. They can successfully combat infiltration of malware to the platforms and systems that power your organization.

2. Controlling how privileged accounts are used offers ransomware protection

An important proactive measure is restricting who can copy, install and operate applications on devices that power your network.

Such ransomware protection efforts have been observed to limit the exposure of a business system to attackers.

3. Devise a backup and recovery criteria for all sensitive and critical company data

With a data backup, an organization can successfully lessen the negative effects of malware attacks. In this regard, businesses should upload sensitive information to offline devices that operate separately from the normal system.

In the event that an attack filtrates all security measures, the offline data source will ensure that business operations keep running smoothly. We can offer professional support to help your small business establish a business continuity plan

Keeping your software updated provides ransomware protection
Keeping your software updated is an effective way to protect against malware and ransomware

4. Updating devices and antivirus software

All devices should get operating system updates on a regular basis. In addition, anti-malware solutions and antivirus programs should be set to perform routine scans and automatic virus and spyware definitions.

These ransomware protection measures improve the efficiency of operating systems that sustain your business operations.

Use caution when opening emails to protect yourself from ransomware attacks
Use extra caution in opening suspicious emails or files

5. Be cautious of suspicious emails, files and links

Emails and pop-ups keep appearing on our screens from time to time. It is best to refrain from being curious and clicking them if the source isn’t familiar or seems illegitimate.

End users ought to exercise caution when retrieving files such as downloads and opening attachments. The files could contain ransomware. One way of identifying a potential threat is by determining whether URL links are consistent throughout a message.

This can be done without clicking on the actual link. A simple mouse hover is enough to alert you that something is fishy with a link.

Protecting your business from ransomware attacks can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Contact us today to learn how we can implement effective measures to protect against ransomware attacks and allow you to focus on what’s important – your business.